Aspen Christian Counseling

We are a team of faith driven mental health specialists serving the needs of the faith community at home and around the world since 2005.




Aspen Christian Counseling is excited to offer a 6 week, Trauma-Informed Yoga group for women, ages 18 and up, taught by Anna Smith.

Trauma-Informed Yoga is a unique yoga practice that is taught through the lens of trauma theory and knowledge of neuroscience. Studies suggest that trauma-informed yoga improves our reorientation to our bodies, which is an answer for a trauma survivor's healing and empowerment.

Many survivors of trauma and abuse struggle with their relationship to their bodies, experiencing symptoms such as self-harm, eating disorders, dissociation, self-hatred, bodily disturbances, flashbacks, chronic pain, and estrangement from self and others. These symptoms are often byproducts of the harm done to us through trauma and abuse. These significant disturbances cause dysregulation in a person’s cadence and rhythm of being. Safe and healthy reconnection to our bodies can provide an avenue for regaining self-embodiment, regulation, autonomy, reduction of flashbacks, and genuine kindness towards whole-self.

Throughout the group, participants will experience yoga taught in a safe and empathic environment. Participants will also explore their connection with their bodies through the use of introspection and express free choice through personal inquiry as well as learn the underpinnings of how the body and brain respond to trauma, the baseline of the neuroscience, mindfulness techniques and how trauma-informed yoga and other avenues of self-care can be an aid for healing and empowerment.


Anna Smith, Therapist and TIY Specialist

“I’m a social worker through and through and also a slight geek. Becoming a yoga teacher shifted my perspective on trauma healing.” Anna trained with trauma informed yoga experts David Emerson, Hala Khouri, Kristin Cooper, and Dr. Dan Allender.


To schedule a meeting with Anna or to join her Trauma Informed Yoga group starting in January, contact Teena, our Clinical Care Coordinator by clicking Here. Spots are limited.



Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

A research-based, integrative therapy used to treat trauma. Sometimes events happen in a person’s life, and she struggles to find a way to integrate that incident. This in turn creates a series of unprocessed memories that can hold back further recognition and understanding of emotions, physical sensations and beliefs. EMDR helps people heal from the impact of traumatic life events and distress experiences, including violence, grief, panic, anxiety, life transitions, and sexual abuse and can also help with grief, anxiety, and much more.


Jamie Gandolph, Therapist and EMDR Specialist

“My goal is to provide quality wholistic care in which my clients feel heard, seen, and sincerely cared for. When we allow ourselves the freedom to explore and process, is when we can make lifelong substantial change and move toward our authentic selves. “


Jamie has experience working with a variety of people, including those struggling with alcohol and drug addiction and those effected by historical trauma and involved in domestic violence relationships, setting a foundation to work with people of all different backgrounds. To schedule a meeting with Jamie, contact Teena, our Clinical Care Coordinator Here




Leading has demands. Demands to perform and deliver. Demands that give us great joy when we succeed and deep frustrations in failure. Whether you are coaching a team, leading a youth group, pastoring a church, or setting the course of a religious non-profit, there are tremendous amounts of demands that shape our identity, spiritual, emotional, and physical health. There are so many issues that can derail us from purpose and joy. And that stress takes a tremendous toll on our colleagues, families, friends and, ultimately, ourselves.

Pastoral leadership coaching with Scott Lowe is designed for you to thrive in your purpose, flourish in personal wholeness, and succeed to make a difference. If you are like most leaders, you have drive and heart, but you are pulled in so many directions that this kind of freedom does not seem possible. But you can find freedom. You can make progress with coaching.


Scott Lowe, Pastoral Counseling Specialist

“My story has been one of learning on the job, and learning leadership through successes and failures. Church planting has been my greatest learning ground. It has been said that church planting could be compared to building a 747 in mid-flight. This is also true so often in growing in leadership. Often the problem is that while we are called into a leadership role, we are drained emotionally, spiritually and personally because there are no outlets to share and work through our anxiety, failures, and hurts. ‘Lonely at the top’ is not just a phrase. And so we live in a prison of hurt.”


To schedule a meeting with Scott, contact Teena, our Clinical Care Coordinator Here


Rosevelt Plaza, 636 Coffman Street, Suite 203, Longmont, CO 80501


An Aspen Mental Health Group Company. All rights reserved. Copyright 2022

Aspen Mental Health Group companies are not a Medicaid or a Medicare provider.